Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dial Up (Part 2)

So, funny story. I decided I'd do a post on Valentine's Day (and oh, look at the date . . .)
and then just . . . didn't do anything for a month? For some reason? I don't know,
I just got it into my head that I could only post one thing. I have no idea why. I was also
hideously sick for two weeks, which helped.
Anyways, have a great day and here's Dial Up, part two.

Jake from state farm
(8:47 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

What do you want
And also why are you texting me again
(8:49 PM, Me)

Well, I'm so glad you asked
You see, it sounds like you have no social life
And I'm tragically bored
(8:50 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The world would end if you ceased to be entertained
(8:51 PM, Me)

Exactly, you got it in one
It's the job of the jesters to occupy my attention
Thus, you
(8:51 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's awful nice
And I could be wrong
But it seems like you don't have a social life either if I am your go-to
(8:52 PM, Me)

It's less about that and more like all my friends are at this party
(Which I am also at, because I am not a shut in like you)
(8:52 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I can only tolerate getting hit on by stoners so many times before it loses its appeal
(8:53 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

How tragic
Getting hit on
Can't imagine a worse fate
(8:54 PM, Me)

No, you couldn't
(8:54 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I bet you wouldn't be able to visualize so many eligible people vying for your attention at once
At least you have me
(8:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's not very encouraging
I'd rather be alone tbh
(8:55 PM, Me)

Awww, we both know that's not true
I'm your future wife after all
(8:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I thought we were over that
PLEASE let us be over that
(8:55 PM, Me)

I will never forget
My species never does
(8:56 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Your species being apes?
(8:56 PM, Me)

Being females
Yes, we are a separate race
(8:57 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

A much more advanced class of being
And we can forgive but we will NEVER let things go
(8:58 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

So, not a 35 year old man after all
That's a relief
(8:59 PM, Me)

Nup, I'm 60 and cantankerous as hell
(8:59 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Still slumming in my mother's basement thou
It's pretty nice, sleeping with the rats
(9:01 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Oh, so now there's an infestation
(9:02 PM, Me)

They're very good listeners, even if they all carry the plague
And especially if all your friends are in the hubbub of a party
(9:04 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That sounds rather familiar, actually . . .
(9:05 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

If you're trying to garner pity, it's not working
I might be tempted to call social services on you
And the CDC
You need serious help
(9:07 PM, Me)

Wasn't that obvious?
And so do you, otherwise you wouldn't be texting me
And you'd have a girlfriend
(9:08 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That is a work in progress
Eventually I'll get there
(9:09 PM, Me)

Oh, eventually
How reassuring
So do you mean in this century or the next?
(9:10 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Are in very rare form tonight
Remind me again why I should entertain you?
(9:11 PM, Me)

Because I need attention
(9:11 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I'm annoying like that
But you love it
(9:12 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I've talked to you maybe once
And completely by accident, I might say
(9:13 PM, Me)

Lucky you, then
According to all the frat boys, I'm quite the catch
If only I weren't tipsy, then I might attempt to be less cruel
(9:14 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You are texting remarkably well for someone who claims to be not-sober
How do I know you aren't lying about the party?
(9:15 PM, Me)

I suppose you don't
But tbh, I have a lot of practice texting while mildly tipsy
(9:15 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

My older sister gets worried and I don't want her to have a stroke, so
I lie
Autocorrect helps, sometimes
(9:16 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Such an upstanding citizen
Truly an inspiration
(9:17 PM, Me)

I know, I know
A model of civil disobedience
- but -
That is sometimes necessary in society
(9:18 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The principles of transcendentalism are on my side
(9:19 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

(9:21 PM, Me)

That's, like
A literary movement
Didn't your college english courses teach you anything
(9:23 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I mostly slept through them, tbh
The tests were easy and I can analyze ok
(9:24 PM, Me)

Not great, but
I got a B and the occasional A in uni
(9:25 PM, Me)

How disappointing
Henry David Thoreau is very upset
He's rolling over in his grave
(9:26 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I think I'll live
(9:27 PM, Me)

Mmm, but he won't
(9:27 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

He's already dead, right
So I don't see the problem
(9:28 PM, Me)

That's rather inconsiderate
Much like you prying at my texting
(9:29 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

It's all highly suspicious
(9:31 PM, Me)

And yet here you still are
I must be doing something right
(9:33 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's a negative
I'm just also very bored
(9:34 PM, Me)

How fortunate
Now you're suffering with me
A big improvement, right
(9:35 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, not at all
It's just you or advanced calc, so
I choose you
(9:37 PM, Me)

Pokemon, nice
(9:37 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, stop that
We aren't going there
(9:39 PM, Me)

Gotta catch 'em all
(9:40 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Nope nope nope I'm getting flashbacks and they all suck
I'd rather forget the DS portion of my adolescence thank you very much
(9:41 PM, Me)

You're welcome, but
Charmander was the best
(9:42 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

How can you even say that
(9:44 PM, Me)

Please tell me you aren't a pikachu fan
He's adorable but very basic
(9:46 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You have to have some good points, since your flirting is clearly abysmal
(9:47 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

First of all, kindly step off
And second, Bulbasaur is king
(9:48 PM, Me)

But charmie is fire-based
Like me, who also enjoys setting things up in smoke
(9:51 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You like arson???
(9:52 PM, Me)

I shoulda been a chemist
I coulda exploded shit for a living
(9:54 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The planet would never survive
(9:54 PM, Me)

Not my problem after we're all gone, right
(9:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Still, horrifying
And Bulbasaur is arguably the best
(9:56 PM, Me)

He grows stuff right out of his back
He can create other living things
That's pretty cool
(9:57 PM, Me)

His later power-ups aren't cute
Charmander is both adorable and deadly
Truly my spirit animal
(9:58 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Wow, you have no taste
(9:59 PM, Me)

My taste is impeccable
You just don't appreciate my talents
(10:01 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Are offhanded insults a talent?
I never noticed
(10:02 PM, Me)

Better believe it
And I'm the queen
(10:02 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Maybe over a kingdom of isolation, but
You're not scoring any points with me
(10:04 PM, Me)

You are not a grown man who quotes FROZEN are you
(10:04 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I have small nieces
And my older brother bribes me to babysit
(10:05 PM, Me)

Like you don't watch frozen for fun
(10:05 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, I don't
(10:06 PM, Me)

Because, once again, I am a grown man
(10:07 PM, Me)

Don't worry, one day you'll meet a woman who will go out with you of her own free will
(10:08 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Together you will have children, and then that child will serve as an excuse to surreptitiously
view Disney flicks
(10:09 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

There's no shame in it, Jake
We all binge
(10:10 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I feel . . .
Yes, that's the word
(10:11 PM, Me)

I have that effect on men, yeah
(10:11 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's not good you know
(10:12 PM, Me)

I'm very disappointed in you
(10:12 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You're always disappointed, it seems
(10:13 PM, Me)

Very true
You know me too well, J
(10:13 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Damn, please no
(10:14 PM, Me)

Too freakin' late
Ah cool, my uber got here
(10:15 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Wait, was I just a distraction until a shady guy in a van came to drive you home
(10:17 PM, Me)

I feel played
And here I thought you wanted my company
(10:18 PM, Me)

Bit of both?
(10:19 PM, Judgemental Stranger)
I hate you
(10:22 PM, Me)
Aw, love you too Jakie
Text ya tomorrow if the hangover isn't too bad ;-)
(10:25 PM, Judgemental Stranger)
Begone, demon
(10:25 PM, Me)
As you wish
(10:26 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

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