Sunday, June 9, 2019


A person in a person,
Bundled up with twine
Wanting to escape their shell
But it's never the right time
They are within a house,
And the house within a world;
A world inside an hourglass,
The sands inside a fist.
The fist belongs to a man -
Call him what you will
God, Lucifer, you or me -
It's really just the same.
The man is adrift the cosmos,
Swimming in a sea
Of silver-studded hopes and dreams,
Their clashes a symphony
But the ocean isn't endless,
It's banks are up ahead.
The fears, the worries, the regrets
Are all but dirt upon the ground
The waters and mud combined,
They are encircled by a sky
Is it limitless potential
Or just another lie?

A house, a world, a glass, a man, and whatever follows next
Are all but homes we build ourselves -
Or perhaps cages describes it best
All these held together, they are contained
By one inescapable prison
Ensnared, enamored, irrevocably held

Within the borders of an ever-flowing mind

Wednesday, March 13, 2019


I wrote this this morning. 
It has no pattern, it's just unvetted thoughts on a page. 
I almost titled it 'I Know', but the thing is, I don't. And right now, anything else would be a lie. 


I'm drowning,
All my thoughts are a cacophony of voices
Dissonant, strange, cold -
And then they're gone, hollowed out
A shell of a brain, and maybe of a human.

When I woke up, there was the rain
It was quiet and distant, up against the windowpanes
So close, impossible to touch
Everything was still a dream, so
What is reality and what is myth,
And what bridges the two?

That sort of magic, it's what dreams are made of:
The endless impossibilities,
The confusion and mayhem,
The monsters under beds and the ones in plain sight.
I wonder, sometimes, if I'm becoming one of them,
If the lines between hopeless optimist and illusionist
Are so blurred that they're inseparable.

But maybe I'm not the hero.
As any daydreamer will tell you,
Heroes are happy -
They have princesses to keep them company and castles against the wind.
If I'm a good person,
Maybe I wouldn't wake up from all the noise and just feel . . .

So I'll watch the rain,
Put my hands against the glass,
And wonder yet again:
Who am I?
What will it take to know?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Dial Up (Part 2)

So, funny story. I decided I'd do a post on Valentine's Day (and oh, look at the date . . .)
and then just . . . didn't do anything for a month? For some reason? I don't know,
I just got it into my head that I could only post one thing. I have no idea why. I was also
hideously sick for two weeks, which helped.
Anyways, have a great day and here's Dial Up, part two.

Jake from state farm
(8:47 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

What do you want
And also why are you texting me again
(8:49 PM, Me)

Well, I'm so glad you asked
You see, it sounds like you have no social life
And I'm tragically bored
(8:50 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The world would end if you ceased to be entertained
(8:51 PM, Me)

Exactly, you got it in one
It's the job of the jesters to occupy my attention
Thus, you
(8:51 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's awful nice
And I could be wrong
But it seems like you don't have a social life either if I am your go-to
(8:52 PM, Me)

It's less about that and more like all my friends are at this party
(Which I am also at, because I am not a shut in like you)
(8:52 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I can only tolerate getting hit on by stoners so many times before it loses its appeal
(8:53 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

How tragic
Getting hit on
Can't imagine a worse fate
(8:54 PM, Me)

No, you couldn't
(8:54 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I bet you wouldn't be able to visualize so many eligible people vying for your attention at once
At least you have me
(8:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's not very encouraging
I'd rather be alone tbh
(8:55 PM, Me)

Awww, we both know that's not true
I'm your future wife after all
(8:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I thought we were over that
PLEASE let us be over that
(8:55 PM, Me)

I will never forget
My species never does
(8:56 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Your species being apes?
(8:56 PM, Me)

Being females
Yes, we are a separate race
(8:57 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

A much more advanced class of being
And we can forgive but we will NEVER let things go
(8:58 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

So, not a 35 year old man after all
That's a relief
(8:59 PM, Me)

Nup, I'm 60 and cantankerous as hell
(8:59 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Still slumming in my mother's basement thou
It's pretty nice, sleeping with the rats
(9:01 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Oh, so now there's an infestation
(9:02 PM, Me)

They're very good listeners, even if they all carry the plague
And especially if all your friends are in the hubbub of a party
(9:04 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That sounds rather familiar, actually . . .
(9:05 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

If you're trying to garner pity, it's not working
I might be tempted to call social services on you
And the CDC
You need serious help
(9:07 PM, Me)

Wasn't that obvious?
And so do you, otherwise you wouldn't be texting me
And you'd have a girlfriend
(9:08 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That is a work in progress
Eventually I'll get there
(9:09 PM, Me)

Oh, eventually
How reassuring
So do you mean in this century or the next?
(9:10 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Are in very rare form tonight
Remind me again why I should entertain you?
(9:11 PM, Me)

Because I need attention
(9:11 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I'm annoying like that
But you love it
(9:12 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I've talked to you maybe once
And completely by accident, I might say
(9:13 PM, Me)

Lucky you, then
According to all the frat boys, I'm quite the catch
If only I weren't tipsy, then I might attempt to be less cruel
(9:14 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You are texting remarkably well for someone who claims to be not-sober
How do I know you aren't lying about the party?
(9:15 PM, Me)

I suppose you don't
But tbh, I have a lot of practice texting while mildly tipsy
(9:15 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

My older sister gets worried and I don't want her to have a stroke, so
I lie
Autocorrect helps, sometimes
(9:16 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Such an upstanding citizen
Truly an inspiration
(9:17 PM, Me)

I know, I know
A model of civil disobedience
- but -
That is sometimes necessary in society
(9:18 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The principles of transcendentalism are on my side
(9:19 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

(9:21 PM, Me)

That's, like
A literary movement
Didn't your college english courses teach you anything
(9:23 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I mostly slept through them, tbh
The tests were easy and I can analyze ok
(9:24 PM, Me)

Not great, but
I got a B and the occasional A in uni
(9:25 PM, Me)

How disappointing
Henry David Thoreau is very upset
He's rolling over in his grave
(9:26 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I think I'll live
(9:27 PM, Me)

Mmm, but he won't
(9:27 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

He's already dead, right
So I don't see the problem
(9:28 PM, Me)

That's rather inconsiderate
Much like you prying at my texting
(9:29 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

It's all highly suspicious
(9:31 PM, Me)

And yet here you still are
I must be doing something right
(9:33 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's a negative
I'm just also very bored
(9:34 PM, Me)

How fortunate
Now you're suffering with me
A big improvement, right
(9:35 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, not at all
It's just you or advanced calc, so
I choose you
(9:37 PM, Me)

Pokemon, nice
(9:37 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, stop that
We aren't going there
(9:39 PM, Me)

Gotta catch 'em all
(9:40 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Nope nope nope I'm getting flashbacks and they all suck
I'd rather forget the DS portion of my adolescence thank you very much
(9:41 PM, Me)

You're welcome, but
Charmander was the best
(9:42 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

How can you even say that
(9:44 PM, Me)

Please tell me you aren't a pikachu fan
He's adorable but very basic
(9:46 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You have to have some good points, since your flirting is clearly abysmal
(9:47 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

First of all, kindly step off
And second, Bulbasaur is king
(9:48 PM, Me)

But charmie is fire-based
Like me, who also enjoys setting things up in smoke
(9:51 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You like arson???
(9:52 PM, Me)

I shoulda been a chemist
I coulda exploded shit for a living
(9:54 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

The planet would never survive
(9:54 PM, Me)

Not my problem after we're all gone, right
(9:55 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Still, horrifying
And Bulbasaur is arguably the best
(9:56 PM, Me)

He grows stuff right out of his back
He can create other living things
That's pretty cool
(9:57 PM, Me)

His later power-ups aren't cute
Charmander is both adorable and deadly
Truly my spirit animal
(9:58 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Wow, you have no taste
(9:59 PM, Me)

My taste is impeccable
You just don't appreciate my talents
(10:01 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Are offhanded insults a talent?
I never noticed
(10:02 PM, Me)

Better believe it
And I'm the queen
(10:02 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Maybe over a kingdom of isolation, but
You're not scoring any points with me
(10:04 PM, Me)

You are not a grown man who quotes FROZEN are you
(10:04 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I have small nieces
And my older brother bribes me to babysit
(10:05 PM, Me)

Like you don't watch frozen for fun
(10:05 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

No, I don't
(10:06 PM, Me)

Because, once again, I am a grown man
(10:07 PM, Me)

Don't worry, one day you'll meet a woman who will go out with you of her own free will
(10:08 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Together you will have children, and then that child will serve as an excuse to surreptitiously
view Disney flicks
(10:09 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

There's no shame in it, Jake
We all binge
(10:10 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

I feel . . .
Yes, that's the word
(10:11 PM, Me)

I have that effect on men, yeah
(10:11 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

That's not good you know
(10:12 PM, Me)

I'm very disappointed in you
(10:12 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

You're always disappointed, it seems
(10:13 PM, Me)

Very true
You know me too well, J
(10:13 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Damn, please no
(10:14 PM, Me)

Too freakin' late
Ah cool, my uber got here
(10:15 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

Wait, was I just a distraction until a shady guy in a van came to drive you home
(10:17 PM, Me)

I feel played
And here I thought you wanted my company
(10:18 PM, Me)

Bit of both?
(10:19 PM, Judgemental Stranger)
I hate you
(10:22 PM, Me)
Aw, love you too Jakie
Text ya tomorrow if the hangover isn't too bad ;-)
(10:25 PM, Judgemental Stranger)
Begone, demon
(10:25 PM, Me)
As you wish
(10:26 PM, Judgemental Stranger)

"We're All In Here" : Revisiting Memoirs

C reative writing is, in my mind, the thing I live for. It is what I love most.      I continue to be crushingly mediocre at poetry and pass...