Sunday, June 9, 2019


A person in a person,
Bundled up with twine
Wanting to escape their shell
But it's never the right time
They are within a house,
And the house within a world;
A world inside an hourglass,
The sands inside a fist.
The fist belongs to a man -
Call him what you will
God, Lucifer, you or me -
It's really just the same.
The man is adrift the cosmos,
Swimming in a sea
Of silver-studded hopes and dreams,
Their clashes a symphony
But the ocean isn't endless,
It's banks are up ahead.
The fears, the worries, the regrets
Are all but dirt upon the ground
The waters and mud combined,
They are encircled by a sky
Is it limitless potential
Or just another lie?

A house, a world, a glass, a man, and whatever follows next
Are all but homes we build ourselves -
Or perhaps cages describes it best
All these held together, they are contained
By one inescapable prison
Ensnared, enamored, irrevocably held

Within the borders of an ever-flowing mind

1 comment:

"We're All In Here" : Revisiting Memoirs

C reative writing is, in my mind, the thing I live for. It is what I love most.      I continue to be crushingly mediocre at poetry and pass...